
Monday, April 21, 2008

What to do...

Drawing a blank, but I am sure an idea will come to me during the night. Today Tootie & I moved all the toys out of the living room & put them in the den. Ideally that is where we would like the toys to stay. I also took apart the baby swing. Princess hasn't used it in a while & it just became a toy collector. So now I am left with this good size space that is pretty empty. To give you an idea of it's size you can fit a love seat there. We rearranged the living room so the love seat wouldn't go back there anyways. It's not a good place to put seating of any sort for various reasons. We have a big fluffy chair that we moved into the den so the dogs would stop jumping on it to look out the window. So that's one reason not to place seating there. For those of you who haven't seen our dogs, they are petite humans... 70lbers. It's also not a good area to view the tv from. What ever goes in the corner needs to be dog & child friendly. I'm just not feeling motivated but it's really empty in that room now.

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Anonymous said...

How about a small palm tree - bamboo or a majestic palm??