
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Attempting to have a green thumb

I didn't think I would be updating this blog while the Pilot is off playing in the sun & sand, but here I am...

I received a nice gift certificate to a plant nursery along with a lavender plant for my birthday. This insanely inspired me to get working on our yard. Something I hadn't planned on doing any time soon. I stumbled across the following picture while researching plants & different pictures of garden set up.

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I don't necessarily want to copy that look, but it's the "feel" I want.... path way, bench, hardy flower look (versus fru-fru). Plus the area I am working on takes a beating from the sun & not a lot of water makes it back there.

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I trotted off to the local nursery with kids in tough. I went plant crazy.

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So I spent close to 3 hours this morning out there working on this project. Princess was napping, but I had help from a certain 2 year old. Turns out that the sprinkler head back there has been capped off & the ground is harder then a rock. I don't even think I got a 1/3 of the plants planted. Tootie & I stopped to have lunch & it was time for Princess to awake from her beauty sleep. So we went in & washed up. While we were enjoying some fine dining of left overs (AGAIN! lol) the younger of the two 4 legged family members was un-doing some of my work. He was fine the whole time we were out there... ARG!!!! He tore out 2 plants. Damaged one of them pretty well but I think it might be ok (just no where near as full). Also tore apart a bag of compost & another bag with cactus mix. So off to Home Depot the kids & I went to buy chicken wire to build a fence around my work. So far it's deterred him. I've decided to pot all the plants until the ground becomes soft enough to dig holes. We have a ton of empty pots laying around here & I also posted a want add for more on freecycle. I'll update you all with a picture once get everything potted. I want to put the fountain back together & plant some stuff in it. I'm also going to get various sizes & types of rock to put around that area, but that will be later this summer.